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Zoom Media Player Max 1 PC Lifetime CD Key Global

Zoom Media Player Max 1 PC Lifetime CD Key Global

EUR 27.75

EUR 99.00

Plattform: PC
Stichworte: Antivirus & Security
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 How to activate:


Download the program by using the following link - http://dl.zoomplayer.com/zp1550max.exe

Insert the key when asked.

Zoom Player is the Smartest, most Flexible and Customizable Media Player for the Windows PC.


Based on our powerful 'Smart Play' technology, more media formats play with less hassle, improved stability and greater performance.


Beyond Zoom Player's classic media player features is a powerful Media Center fullscreen interface designed for use with five simple keys (up/down/left/right/select). The Five-Key system provides simple & fast navigation while maintaining full access to advanced interfaces such as the Media Library, File Browser, Playlist Editor, Color Controls, Audio Equalizer, Bookmarks, Play History and many more.


Zoom Player's media center simplicity makes it ideal for people with little to no previous computer experience while making it a joy to use for experienced hard-core users.


With Zoom Player, you can instantly Convert any PC into a Home Entertainment Center (HTPC) with no specialized hardware requirement or operating system. Zoom Player runs with every 32bit/64bit version of Windows.


Zoom Player is fully scalable, supporting the latest media formats and interfaces. New features and fixes are incorporated consistently with release schedules and feature integration clearly announced on our support Forum, Twitter and Facebook pages.


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